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BIDs & Municipalities

Instant access to custom parcels, lots, and building information. Accurately place and manage district incidents, such as graffiti and crime...
  • Instant access to custom parcels and lots

  • Color-coded building and parcel maps

  • Track tree trimming, news racks and lights over maps

  • Print, email and publish district maps and drawings

  • Place and manage district incidents, such as graffiti and crime

  • Submit work orders and maintenance requests

  • Share information with vendors or emergency service providers


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Incidents Reporting

Increase district security and safety. Reduce the number of incidents by identifying incident trends. Visually communicate your efforts to each of your stake holders.

Assets Tracking

Track buildings, parcels, tenants, trees and other essential assets directly over floor plans. Manage Security, Safety and Emergency  Preparedness needs such as evacuation routes, fire hydrants, and more.

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Schedule office and building availability. Manage work-orders with their exact location and life cycle with automatic setup of notifications and alerts, ensuring you never miss an important service date or insurance renewal date.

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